Afro-descendant population in Guerrero: between representation and appropriation of racial and sexual stereotypes ALCOCER PERULERO, Mariso , Belarus 1-11
Tutsá: space, identity and emotions in the origin of the Chachi nationality, Ecuador MANTILLA Jorge , Australia 12-22
Brokers and consumers. Identity and aesthetics in running in contemporary Argentina GIL Gastón Julián , Cuba 23-35
Towards a critical theory of democracy, between communication sciences and political philosophy: opinion, reason and emotions Corcuff Philippe , Belgium 57-65
Culture as a semiotic system: a redefinition of the idea of culture from the systemic perspective Pickel Andreas , Belarus 66-76
Intercultural capital and socio-educational position: a statistical analysis of reading practices in foreign languages in the contemporary German population Pöllmann Andreas, Cyprus 91-103
The Appeal of Social Media to Language Learning - A look at the State of the Art Mohammed H. Ibrahim& Saleem, A. Salim Alnori , Iraq 104-116
The Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems to Improve Banks Performance Hameedah K. Shalan 117-126