Vol. 2 Núm. 1 (2007)

Indigenous peoples in isolation : emergency, vulnerability and need for protection (Ecuador)

Publicado 2007-05-21


Indigenous peoples in isolation have made headlines in recent years not only in the media when they have been massacred, persecuted or eventually protected, but they have also become part of government agendas, the claim from organized civil societies and the concerns of the international cooperation organizations. These initiatives, common although discontinuous and dissimilar, coincide in the concern for the life, rights, ecosystems and territories of these unique human groups in the world.

Isolated peoples represent not only a civilizing, geographical and symbolic space in which particular sociocultural, political and environmental variables converge, but they also represent a challenge for the public policies of the South American National States marked in recent decades by the emergence of multiculturalism from the front. to multiculturalism and environmental management in response to accelerated environmental deterioration.