Vol 2 Nr 1 (2007)

The construction of the image of López Obrador in the spots of his adversaries

Publicerad 2007-05-21


Some advances in an analysis are presented that is aimed at showing that there existed, in the production of the television spots of López Obrador's adversaries, a deliberate construction of the image of this politician as a symbol of danger, insecurity and intolerance, in order to to frighten the voters and thus achieve a modification in the intention to vote in their favor during the 2006 presidential elections in Mexico. One of the strategies that López Obrador's opponents used in the last stage of the electoral process in the production of their political propaganda was to resort to the discourse of fear. Through an analysis of the argumentative modalities of the genre in question, it is intended to show: a) the audience it was addressed to, b)the clichés or platitudes he spoke about and c) the types of arguments used; all this with the intention of clarifying the operation of the type of political propaganda used to present López Obrador as the symbol of danger and thus influence a "vote of fea