Vol 13 Nr 1 (2018)

Pierre Bourdieu. Political Interventions: A Sociologist on the Barricade . (Argentina: Siglo XXI), 352 PP

Publicerad 2018-04-03


The book Political Interventions: A sociologist on the barricade , edited by Franck Poupeau and Thierry Discepolo, with the support of Bourdieu himself in the selection of texts, is a compilation of various public interventions and interviews held by the sociologist throughout his life. trajectory as an intellectual and academic. The main thread of the work are the investigations that the author carried out on the educational system, the intellectual world, power, politics and the State, mainly. Likewise, the text contains some statements in which Bourdieu expresses his vision on social problems of great relevance worldwide, such as the war in Yugoslavia in the 90s or the authoritarian governments existing in several Latin American countries, to mention a few examples.