Vol 15 Nr 2 (2020)

Linguistic uses of Quebec adolescents on social media

Publicerad 2020-06-03


The article examines the linguistic practices on traditional media and social media reported by young Quebecers aged 14 to 17, attending primery schools. The survey questionnaire used specifically targets the use of Arabic and English in five sub-populations.The results show a very diverse use of English in daily life according to ethnic origin: native and adopted Francophones almost always use it at school, with their family and friends, and, to a significant degree. in their consumption of traditional media, while the other three groups choose sporadically, preferring English. Regarding social media, behaviors are also aligned with ethnic origins, however the predominance of English among the two most groups is fading somewhat, seeming to materialize the predominance of English on the Internet among young Quebecers.