Vol 16 Nr 1 (2021)

Cuban cultural journalism: social representations of gender. Case study of the cultural supplement Vitrales

Publicerad 2021-03-11


What is presented in this text is part of an investigation that aims to analyze the social representations of gender in Cuban cultural journalism; To this end, the Vitrales cultural supplement by Sancti Spíritus, considered one of the best of its kind in the Caribbean nation, was taken as a case study. Theoretically, the study was based on the articulation of Gender Theory with that of Communication. An analysis of the discourse of the editions published from 2004-2014 was carried out, as well as of the in-depth interviews carried out with journalists and the manager in order to know, analyze how and why feminine and masculine traits are assumed within their pages. , which are later legitimized by the different age groups that read that publication. Conclusion, It should be noted that stereotypes related to traditional gender roles predominate in this type of cultural press. The discourse reveals diversity in the treatment of women in the cultural sector, but the prevailing social representation of gender generally agrees with the traditional hegemonic, which evidences the consideration of the masculine as the norm and the feminine as subordinate, supported by traditional gender roles and stereotypes