Letn. 11 Št. 1 (2016)

From man-god to christ-sun : Religion and Mesoamerican religious tradition in the work of Alfredo López Austin

Objavljeno 2016-06-05


his text analyzes the models created and used by Alfredo López Austin to study the unitary or plural character of the gods and Mesoamerican religion, their continuities and transformations, as a result of the European irruption. It is shown that in the handling of his proposal of the "manios", of the worldview model, or in that of the "Christ-Sun", the evolution of the theoretical-methodological debates between history and anthropology is noticed in the last 40 years, as well as the lack of reflection regarding such approaches in the field of Mesoamerican studies; particularly among some researchers who use the models of worldview, folk culture, popular religion, and ethnogenesis.