Letn. 14 Št. 2 (2019)

Social representations and staging in the Peasant Markets of Bogotá: "The Good Peasant", "The Institutionalized Peasant" and "The Rebellious Peasant"

Objavljeno 2019-09-23


his article is the result of an investigation developed throughout 2017 by three members of the group Publicidad, Sociedad y Consumo of the Central University of Bogotá. The objective of the research was to track and analyze the representations that circulate in the Campesino Markets (hereinafter MC) organized by the Mayor's Office and other institutions of the Bogotá district government since 2004. This interest has to do with our conviction, at the same time epistemological and political, that social representations are, as the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1995) would say, structuring and structured constructions. In other words, representations are structures of thought internalized by subjects and, at the same time, historical constructions of a collective nature that help to co-produce the social world. Starting from this premise, we consider that it is pertinent to deconstruct the representations about the field and the peasants that are (re) produced and negotiated in institutional spaces such as CMs. The main objective of this text is, then, to analyze the aesthetic and discursive elements of the various advertising pieces that circulate about CM