Vol. 5 No. 1 (2010)

Individualization processes in the social sciences

Published 2021-05-21


On Friday, October 30, 2009, the Permanent Seminar "Culture and Social Representations" celebrated its ten years of uninterrupted existence with a special session at the UNAM Institute for Social Research, where the guest of honor, Dr. Philippe Corcuff (from the Institute of Political Studies of Lyon, France), debated with the academics present the ideas presented in two of his articles published by the electronic magazine Cultura y Representaciones Sociales (www.culturayrs.org.mx), organ of said Seminar: "Figures of the individuality: from Marx to contemporary sociologies "(year 2, n ° 4, March 2008); and "Bourdieu read differently" (year 4, n ° 7, September 2009). Due to the interest of the topics discussed in said session, We fully transcribe the debate for our readers, preserving the oral style of the interventions. It goes without saying that in order to fully understand the arguments used in this debate, a prior reading of the two cited articles is required.