Vol. 16 No. 3 (2021)

Psychiatric disorders of prevalence, comorbidity and psychometric properties of the Dissociative Experience Scale

Published 2022-02-23


  • Mental disorders, comorbidity, psychometric properties, dissociation, isolation.


Currently, mental disorders are portrayed as disorders of the brain's neurons likely to be the result of evolutionary processes shaped by the complex interplay of genetic factors and life experiences. In other words, the genes involved in mental or psychiatric illness can be the genes responsible for brain development, which is likely to have different outcomes, depending on the biological and environmental environment. It has been reported that more than a third of the population of most countries of the world have been affected by one of the major groups of mental illness at some point in their lives. The reasons for this are often explained by the readiness-stress model and the biopsychosocial model. People with mental illnesses can receive the necessary health care in psychiatric hospitals or in the community, ie outside the hospital. Psychiatrists or clinical psychologists diagnose mental illness using a variety of methods, often based on observation and questioning in patient interviews. Psychological treatment is provided by many mental health professionals.