Vol 8 Nr 1 (2013)

The political vindication of the concepts of race and Indianness in Zapatismo and Neozapatismo

Publisert 2013-04-07


The idea of ​​race is inextricably linked to the institution of a colonial and neocolonial power: it constitutes the privileged mode of classification and differentiation of oppressed populations, attributing to them traits that designate a supposed natural inferiority with respect to the dominant societies. However, we argue in this article, based on the analysis of the Zapatista movements of the early twentieth century and the end of that same century, that is, neo-Zapatismo, that the idea of ​​race and its concrete expression, the notion of the Indian , can be resignified by subordinates to build an identity that allows them to unite to precisely question the relations of power and exploitation justified by racism.