Vol 6 No 1 (2011)

The decolonial project in Enrique Dussel and Walter Mignolo : towards a different epistemology of the Social Sciences in Latin America

Diterbitkan 2010-05-02


Today the multiple folds of meaning open in the interpretation of present and past social events tell us that history is not linear or evolutionary, that the social sciences can and should deploy their advances beyond extreme positivism or empiricism and that politics mutates from continued to assume unexpected forms, far from universal democratic models. From a space of thought that struggles to de-colonize, these circumstances underlie the elaboration of a critical position deeply attentive to the mediations between political practice and theoretical reflection. Recognizing their mutual involvement, an attempt is made to recover one's own cultural potentialities to know, think and act on the social in a movement not only reserved for the intelligentsia.