Vol 17 No 1 (2022)

The threat of unemployment in the world is a recurring crisis

Plomin, R., Rohrer, H., cote d'ivoire.
Virtual University of Côte d'Ivoire

Diterbitkan 2022-02-27


Unemployment as an economic phenomenon began to appear tangibly with the flourishing of industry, as unemployment had no meaning in traditional rural societies. According to the International Labor Organization, the unemployed person is every person who is able and willing to work, and who searches for it, but to no avail. Through this definition, it is clear that not everyone who does not work is unemployed. Students, the disabled, the elderly, the retired, those who have lost hope of finding work, temporary employers, and those who are in need of work are not considered unemployed. He who suffers from it is called unemployed in the East and unemployed in Morocco. Hence, through the study of societies, we find that this crisis is a recurring crisis that needs recurring realistic solutions.