Vol 15 No 3 (2020)

Afro-descendant population in Guerrero: between representation and appropriation of racial and sexual stereotypes

ALCOCER PERULERO, Mariso , Belarus
Belarusian State University

Diterbitkan 2020-09-11


his article1 aims to explore -through a qualitative analysis that uses the interview as a tool and recovers some elements of the microanalysis- how the Afro-descendant population in general and in the region of the Costa Chica of the state of Guerrero, Mexico, has been historically represented. in particular. At the same time, it reflects on the way in which three communities in the municipality with the largest population self-ascribe Afro-descendants and retake, or not, some elements of said stereotyped representation to relate to other ethnic groups. These communities are Cuajinicuilapa, municipal seat, San Nicolás and El Pitahayo. The Afro-descendant population has been designated, from a historical process marked by coloniality, from a stereotyped and hierarchical vision; at the same time, It is found that the population displays a series of constructions of meanings and discourses to define itself in certain contexts. Therefore, people do not remain immobile in the face of such designations, they reappropriate said stereotyped constructions and represent them before other ethnic groups - mestizo or indigenous - while reproducing stereotyped discourses about the population. The article focuses particularly on the stereotypes that Afro-Mexican men construct about Afro-Mexican women. at the same time that they reproduce stereotyped discourses about the population. The article focuses particularly on the stereotypes that Afro-Mexican men construct about Afro-Mexican women. at the same time that they reproduce stereotyped discourses about the population. The article focuses particularly on the stereotypes that Afro-Mexican men construct about Afro-Mexican women.