Tentang Kami

Focus & Scope

Aegaeum (AG) Journal welcomes high-quality contributions, it is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes blind peer-reviewed high-quality manuscripts of interdisciplinary content and methodology. The scope of the journal is all fields of Multidisciplinary arts and Humanities, Management, Economics And Finance,  Psychology,  Social Work, Communication , Tourism , Law, Political , Relationship And Others Relevant Multidisplinary like ISI, TQM , AI, MGM, OS …ets. . The AG mainly favors original and articulate research papers,  book reviews and other scientific contributions are also welcome.

 Aegaeum  (AG), owned and managed by the Université  De Leg press, the Center of the university publication, is a top-ranked, quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes the best studies.


Online 2022 /  2023 Blended

Due to current restrictions global health realities, and uncertainty on the date these restrictions will end, we have decided to continue with only the online component of the 2023 conference.

We are nonetheless excited to announce the online conference will be delivered on the CGScholar platform – developed by the Common Ground Media Lab, the research and technology arm of Common Ground Research Networks.


Acceptance Rate for Manuscripts

The acceptance rate for Original work is 33 %.


Peer Review Process

All manuscripts will be subject to the double-blind review process in which they are evaluated by a panel of scholars with at least 2 referees specializing in relevant fields. The reviewers are unaware of the identity of the author. The reviewing process including the revising manuscripts will be no longer than 8 weeks.

Open Access Policy

Aegaeum publishes fully open-access journals, which means that all articles are available on the Internet to all users immediately upon publication, some requiring a subscription to the journal. The journals are online first which allows authors, within a set deadline, to revise their posted articles before printing. All the articles undergo blind and editorial peer-review and quality control. The publication fee is 220 euros and the fee for DOI is 20 euros for the members of the EU center For non-members  500 euros. for fast publication 800 euros.


We apply Article Publishing Charge waivers or discounts to those articles in gold open-access journals for which all authors are based in a country eligible for the Research4Life program. Find out more about the APC waiver and discount eligibility.


Terbitan Terkini##plugins.themes.classic.volume-abbr## 19, ##plugins.themes.classic.number-abbr## 1 (2024): COMING SOON

Diterbitkan Pebruari 7, 2024

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