Vol. 8 No 1 (2013)

The hell of Luis Estrada : A look from the schizoanalysis of Gilles Deleuze

Publiée 2013-04-07


Mexican film of the noir genre, directed by Luis Estrada, raises the indissoluble structural link between politics, drug trafficking and poverty; Through the use of irony, the work models such a situation in a place in northern Mexico, devastated by irrational violence, widespread corruption and the economic crisis. This study examines, based on some categories of the schizoanalysis of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, as well as the intertextual examination, how such a cinematographic work is constructed, how it accounts for the Mexican reality; but there is also an emphasis on the way this film represents such reality as an endless mediality, as an object not only aesthetic, but also ethical and political.