Vol. 4 No 1 (2009)

Social representations and practices around urban policies : the NIMBY mobilization against the redensification of the central areas of Mexico City

Publiée 2009-05-10


his work seeks to contribute to the reflection on the participation of the residents of Mexico City, coming from different socio-economic sectors, in the ways of "making the city", through their acceptance or rejection of urban development policies liable to generate important changes in the physical, residential, socio-demographic characteristics and in the ways of life of the residents, as is the case of the redensification policy of the central city (Side 2). The results of the analysis of 49 files of complaints filed with the Environmental and Territorial Procurator's Office are presented, by residents dissatisfied with 142 building construction projects in various neighborhoods distributed in four delegations of the Federal District. It is an analysis of the content of writings included in the files, essentially letters, accompanied by annexed documents that seek to justify or support the claims, such as studies carried out by the residents themselves with data and photographs on the effects produced by the construction works of housing buildings. These documents, delivered to the PAOT between 2002 and 2005