Vol. 14 Núm. 1 (2019)

Presentation of the dossier: Nation, representation and diversities in nation projects in the Americas

Publicado 2019-04-04


The texts gathered here are derived from the symposium "Representations on ethnic and gender diversity in the nation projects of the Americas", presented in the framework of the V Congress of the Latin American Anthropology Association and the XVI Congress of Anthropology in Colombia (Bogotá , Colombia, June 2017). On that occasion, we met researchers from universities in Mexico, Argentina and Brazil, in order to investigate the way in which ethnic, nationality and gender diversities have been represented, included or excluded from the national accounts of the continent . We start from the idea that each nation, throughout its construction process, has created its own ways of conceiving diversity. Although it is possible to find some similarities in the way in which the pasts and the presences of various ethnic groups have been represented in the nations of the continent, each case presents peculiarities. We were interested, then, to give an account of different ways of representing such diversities in the framework of the nation's projects of the Americas from the 19th century to the present.