Vol. 13 Núm. 1 (2018)

Review of the book by Verónica Ruíz and Gloria Lara (coordinators), 2012. Experiences and results of affirmative action programs with indigenous students of higher education in Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Brazil. Mexico, D F., ANUIES.

Publicado 2018-04-03


Until recently it seemed that indigenous and university were two concepts that were not expressed together, so they were not a cause for attention and therefore, they were not a cause for concern either. We were used to thinking of indigenous education as one that was expressed in the context of basic education, or through its most dramatic expressions, such as illiteracy or linguistic displacement. Issues that certainly have not been resolved, and are not a minor matter, on the contrary, indigenous peoples continue without solving these and many other problems. However, now they are added to these persistent conflicts, other unprecedented, but equally complex.