Vol. 17 Núm. 1 (2022)

The Effect of Workplace Bullying in the Job Anxiety: The Moderator Role for the Positive Psychological Capital :An Analytical Research in the Iraqi Health Sector

Dr.Rafid H. Abbas ALhadrawi & Ahmed kadhim ALhisnawi , Iraq.
University of Kufa , Iraq

Publicado 2022-02-27


The research aimed to examine the effect of bullying behaviors in the workplace on job anxiety of the employee through the mediator role of positive psychological capital. As well as to diagnosing levels of bullying and job anxiety for the surveyed sample and determining the degree of interest in developing positive  psychological capital.

For this the research adopted the descriptive and analytical approach in obtaining and analyzing data. The Iraqi health sector represented a field for the applied side of research, it chose a random sample of the administrative and nursing staff about (240) individuals after distributing (250) questionnaires from. 10 of which were excluded not valid for statistical analysis. The results showed that bullying behaviors in the workplace have a positive significant effect on job anxiety.