Bd. 13 Nr. 1 (2018)

Review of the book The House of the Mayans of the Yucatan Peninsula: stories of La maya naj edited by Aurelio Sánchez and Alejandra García

Veröffentlicht 2018-04-03


The book is made up of twelve contributions that are organized in four parts and has an Introduction at the beginning and a closing where the authors of the writings are presented.

The first part, History, Symbols, Concepts and Names, consists of two works by three authors: Aurelio Sánchez Suárez, Alejandra García and Amarella Eastmond, who lay the foundations of the book.

Information on the origins and trajectory of the Mayan house through peninsular history is presented, and the approach that the editors have of the house is presented, oriented very fundamentally to dismantle the colonialist vision that has prevailed, and that has contributed in good measure to the devaluation of this space. Space that the authors consider alive, cultural, synthesis and deposit of important and interesting constructive, architectural and ecological knowledge and cradle of Mayan monumental architecture, which paradoxically, and unlike the Mayan house that is its nucleus, is both recognized and pondered.