Bd. 16 Nr. 3 (2021)

The Moderation Effect of Customer Orientation on the Relationship Between E-Human Resources Readiness on Digital Marketing

Prof. Dr. Hakim Jabbori Al- Khafaji & Falah Hassan Odeh Al-Battat, Iraq.
University of Kufa .

Veröffentlicht 2022-02-23


The purpose of this study is to diagnose the reasons for the decline in the application of digital marketing in the study sample by testing the study model with its three variables. On the limited orientation towards the customer, and its reflection in achieving digital marketing, which made the customer limited interaction with the study sample. Information related to the study was collected in Zain Mobile Communications Company in Iraq, and the study population consisted of its employees, and a sample (100) of administrators, technicians and marketing department at the company’s headquarters and branches in the governorates was selected, and an intentional sample of 100 customers who are 18 years old from Users of Zain Mobile Telecommunications Services in Iraq. The questionnaire was adopted as a tool for the study, and the double sample was a sample of Zain employees. The researcher reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the company’s possession of a small number of electronically prepared human resources, which negatively reflected in the achievement of digital marketing and the company’s practice of digital marketing and on its capabilities and capabilities in the local environment.